Tuesday, February 3, 2009

His House

However, the Most High does not live in houses made by men. As the prophet says: Heaven is my throne,and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me?

That verse just struck me. The Lord does not live in a house. He lives in us. When people look at us, they see him. When they hear our voice, they hear him. When they watch our lives, they read his book.

These past few days have been crazy busy. It's exciting to do something new. Though the unknown is also a little unnerving. If you've ever owned your own business, you know what I mean. When will the phone ring? Will they be happy with my work? Will we succeed or are we just crazy?

Then I hear another voice.

I watched the sunrise this morning and the sunset this evening. God is so creative, isn't he? It was beautiful. This morning a beam of light shone straight up in the sky like a spotlight. This evening, the colors were pink, orange and purple. I love his creation.

But, then he spoke to me once again...I value you more than all of creation. I am not in the sun and I am not in the clouds. I am in...you. You are more beautiful to me than any sunrise or sunset. You are mine. You are not alone. You do not have to carry the burden of your problems. Nothing in your life is too big for me! Have I ever failed you? Will you trust me?

Trust. There's that word again. Trust. Lay all of your burdens down and 'Trust Me'. Do you ever think you've arrived? Do you ever think that NOW I have it all together, I can handle this? Just about that time, a new trial presents itself. And you find yourself back at square one.

I think that's just where Jesus wants us. He just wants to make himself at home in us. He wants us to be comfortable with his presence in our lives. He wants us to come to a point that we can TRUST him whatever knocks on our door. He wants us to be quiet enough to hear his voice and to trust him.

After all...I'm my Father's house.

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