Friday, April 17, 2009

Loved To Death

This morning, I am compelled to write this message ~


Yesterday, during my prayer time, I was praying about loving. How can the Lord love the unlovable. Those who reject him. When I think about the crucifixion, I ask, "HOW Lord did you endure such humiliation and pain?".

The physical pain was indescribable. Just imagine getting up right now and smacking your toe on a very hard object. You say, No thanks! I did that in December and I still experience pain at times. And that's just a tiny part of my body compared to every other part.

He was beaten beyond recognition. The most grueling death. He was spit on. He was mocked and laughed at.

You maybe thinking, "Okay, Tammy, enough already".

Why don't you want to think about it?

Now, imagine the pain of being rejected by your closest friends. The people you share your inner secrets, desires and vulnerabilities with. You are being ridiculed and your best friend just stands there as if he doesn't even know you and downright doesn't care what you are going through.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Now imagine being rejected by your father. He doesn't call, never says he loves you and his world mainly revolves around himself. He seems a world away.

How are you feeling about now?

None of us want to go there. Why?

It's too painful.

I asked the Lord, "How, did you do it?"

He gently answered, "Because I loved you!

I didn't FEEL like suffering.

I LOVED you to DEATH - my death!"

Every step of his death, has you written on it.

He loved YOU every step to his own death.

If you are like me, and I think you are, you will do anything to avoid suffering in your own life. No one wants to suffer. No one wants to be in pain. No one wants to be rejected. What day have you awakened to say, "Today, I FEEL like suffering!"

He died for all of it. All of the pain that you and I have every suffered. The physical, emotional and spiritual pain. If you are feeling down, look to the cross. If you are feeling rejected, look to the cross...confused, tired, in pain, grieving a loss, fearful...look to the cross.

I know ~ Good Friday was last week.

But, has it changed your life? How has this week been different than last week? Have you encountered His love for you?

Look at the cross.

No one has ever loved you that much!

He LOVED you to death!

For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous (that's Him) for the unrighteous (that's us), to bring you to God. 1 Peter 4:4

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

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