Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do Not Worry

Isn't it amazing that Jesus never tells us to worry. How often do I catch myself saying...well, I'm a little worried about... It's as if being a "little" worried is an honorable thing. Like if I'm not a "little" worried I'm not living in the real world.
But, Jesus tells us not to worry about our lives, what we will eat or drink; or about our bodies, what we will wear. He says we are more valuable than anything he has made. And then here is the clincher - Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? He assures us that our Heavenly Father knows all of our needs. But this is what we should be doing - He tells us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and everything we need will be taken care of. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Boy, did that get my day off to the right start. I had been lying in bed praying and "thinking" about all of my troubles. And wondering what tomorrow has in store. The Lord gently reminded me AGAIN that He is in control. He will take care of me and what concerns me. "But, Lord, the world looks a lot different than it did six months ago. " And he again gently reminded me that He already has all of my tomorrows under control too.
Do you ever notice how non-specific the Lord can be? He doesn't go into a dissertation about how he's going to take care of this concern and that concern. He knows we don't need all of the details. He just keeps it simple. Trust ME!
And then we make a choice. I made a choice and you know what...He took care of everything that concerned me today. And I was really blessed in the process!
Today, I had the opportunity to talk with some people that I really care about and who really care about me! This morning, I didn't know that blessing was going to be part of the plan. But, I'm thanking the Lord that He knew what I needed and He provided it!
I love the quote by Corrie Ten Boom: "All I have seen helps me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen". Amen!

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