Sunday, January 18, 2009

God's Temple

I stand in awe at the intimacy of our Lord. Today, He reminded me who I belong to. He spoke this word to me.

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you. So you do not belong to yourself, because you were bought by God for a price. So honor God with your body.

"Bought by God" for a price is where I stopped to ponder. The price was His Son. How can it be that Almighty God wants me? Think of all that is happening in our world, wars, rumors of wars, dying, starving, hurting, lonely, tired, abondoned...and He takes time to talk to me.

Today, I believe He was speaking about my health and the way I care for my body. My diet, my excercise plan, my stress level and the amount of time I spend resting in Him are all areas of concern to Him.

The blood of Jesus was shed for all sins. Past, present, mine, yours and every other living being since time began. What a waste for us not to receive the payment that satisfied the Father. Nothing I can do will ever satisfy the payment for my sins. He took Jesus in my place. What does it require of me?

My life is not my own...I have been bought with a price...I am His.

Then I took a nap. It felt right...I think it's what I was supposed to do.

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