Thursday, January 15, 2009

He Sings Over Me

This morning I woke up with the song "I'm Yours" playing in my spirit. I knew the Lord was singing songs of victory over me. I love it when that happens. He says he will minister to our spirits even while we sleep. Jesus intercedes for us even while we are unaware.

As I worked through my devotion, I was even more aware of who I belong to. Which led to the comtemplation of "Am I doing all that God has called me to?" If I die today, would I have made the greatest impact in "my world". My comfort comes in knowing that I am His. He promises to lead me and keep me. I put my trust in Him. Of course, I know that doesn't mean that I will do everything perfectly, that I will always have the purest thoughts or attitudes or that I will never sin. What I do know, is that while I may be imperfect, His Spirit lives in me. He prods me, encourages me, corrects me, loves me and leads me into His will.

When I was baptized 22 years ago, my prayer was that people would see "more of Him and less of me". That is my prayer today. I want more of Jesus and less of me. He is faithful to do it as I yield my life to Him. And the amazing thing is that He asks me to rest in the process. Rest knowing that He will finish the work that He has begun.

Put your trust in Him. He will not fail you, He loves you too much. He will not lie to you, for it is impossible for Him to lie. He will not deny you, for He cannot deny Himself. Though we are faithless, yet He remains faithful. And amazingly, He sings over us! He delights in you and me~ the God that made everything you see, delights in you and me! Amazing!!!

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